Admission Process & Admission Instructions
- All the above degree courses are of three years duration.
- Click here for the detailed admission process. Please follow the following steps for admission process
- Fill the form attached with prospect (or downloaded from website) in full correctly.
- Attach Leaving Certificate (L.C.) / Transfer Certificate (T.C.) of previous college.
- If Leaving Certificate is not provided at the time of admission, student will get provisional admission. The student will be responsible for submitting original L.C. for conformation of admission.
- Original L.C. submitted at the time of admission will not be returned in any circumstances. (Students are suggested to have enough Xerox copies before submitting original L.C. to the college.)
- Student taking admission for First year (B.A. or B.Com) after 12th should submit the Original Marks Sheets. The Original Marks Sheets are returned to the student after verification and two attested Xerox copies of same are submitted in the office.(Students are suggested to have enough Xerox copies before submitting original mark list to the college).
- Student taking admission for second year or third year (B.A. or B.Com.) should submit two attested Xerox copies of mark list to the college. Student should bring original mark list at the time of admission for verification.
- Student should pay admission fees as per rule of University of Pune and Government.
- Before taking admission 12th students should have enough attested Xerox copies with them.
- Student should submit three passport size photos at the time of admission.