Dr. Ganesh B.Sonawane
M.A., Ph.D., NET
Assistant Professor
Approved Guide of M.Phil. & Ph.D.SPPU Pune.
“Excellence is not an act but a habit.”
Greetings to all the stakeholders!
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is a significant administrative body that monitors the quality enhancement in the academic and administrative performance of every Higher Educational Institute. In our HEI,the IQAC was established in 2015. From that year onwards, it has been striving for the quality enhancement and sustenance. It ensures the accountability and transparency in documentation of various curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Under the competent leadership of Principal Dr.Sanjay Ghodekar, the sincere efforts of previous IQAC Coordinator Prof.Vaibhav Aidale and the teamwork of IQAC committee, our HEI achieved ‘B+ Grade’ in the accreditation by NAAC for the First Cycle in the A/Y 2016-17.
The IQAC takes initiative in the planning and implementation of different academic and administrative activities. The time to time meetings with the members of IQAC accelerate the timely execution of the planning. It prominently takes care of the Curricular Aspects, Teaching Learning and Evaluation, Research Innovations and Extension, Infrastructure and Learning Resources, Student Support and Progression, Governance, Leadership and Management and Institutional Values and Best Practices. All the heads of the Seven Criteria, take initiative in their work promptly and enthusiastically. Therefore the IQAC could submit the AQARs of last five years within the stipulated time. Now our HEI is about to face the Second Cycle of the accreditation.
I am sure that, with the support of our management, students, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff and the stakeholders, our HEI will strive for excellence to face the new challenges and opportunities in the upcoming education policy – NEP.
Sincerely Yours
Dr.Ganesh B.Sonawane