Political Science Departmental - Profile, Activities & Achievements
- Department has its own collection of books as well as college library has enriched with departmental books.
- Active participation of faculty members, student in conference, Workshop.
- Modern teaching methods such as LCD, VCDs, Group Discussion, Seminar, Exam and poster Presentation methods are regularly used for teaching.
Current Courses: (Special Level)
Programs arranged by the department
- Project Given to the Special Subjects Students.
- Various Seminars Organized by Department for Students.
- Celebrating Constitution Day
- Awareness programme for voting Rights.
- Organized New Voter Registration Programme
- Organized HB Checkup Camp for College (Girls) Students.
Plan of action of the department for next 5 years
- To Organize State level Conference.
- To Organize Maharashtra Political Science & Public Administration Parishad.
- To Organize Study Tour.
- To Organize Lectures of experts.
- To Study the Research projects.
- To publish research paper at Conference and UGC Listed Journals

Prof. Dr. Baig R. I.
Qualification : M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D, SET
Designation : Professor
Experience : 20 Years

Asst. Prof. Pingale J. P.
Qualification : M.A, Political Science
Designation : Assistant Professor (C. H. B.)
Experience : 10 Years